Friday, October 23, 2009

Painting again!

Well Jason was out of town last night so I enlisted my mom again and we repainted my dining room and entry way. The dining room was just cream and I changed it to a gold color and the entryway went a few brown shades darker!

AUstin helping me paint. He loved watching and as usual had many many questions! Most of them were "Mom you gonna paint that part?" and "Do you need more paint yet?"

Ann- This picture is for you. THe garland from our rehearsal dinner looks so good in their now. THe colors are perfect with the golds and oranges!


amy said...

love it!!!! what did Jason say?

i should have asked him at church this morning, but the brief moment I saw him at the cookie table, i was trying not to do bodily harm to my disobedient children. i was too distracted to remember to ask him about the "While you were out" paint job!

Julie Shaw said...

His comment, "Looks good babe"!

grandma said...

We love the color!!! Your garland looks great next to that color! You had some great helpers! Love you all, Grandma