Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day at the Lake

We had a great time today on the Lake! We did a little swimming off the dock and then some tubing on the lake and some attempts at water skiing!

All the kids ready for the water!

Jill and Chris have this really cool huge raft for the water. It is tied to the dock so the kids can bounce all over it and then slide into the water.

The boys up in front!

A rare family pic

Austin and Quinn ready to take off!

This tubing thing is hard work!

alright so the last time I tried to water ski I was in like 10th grade and I was not successful, so of course today I thought I would try again. I was a bit more successful this time but not really! I think I got up for about 1.2 seconds!! And then this......

somewhere beneath the water is me!

but Amy did really well!! Chuck and Jason also tried but the women were on kid duty back at the dock so that was not documented!!

1 comment:

amy said...

yay!! that was really fun... though the old body isn't what it used to be! :0)