Sunday, April 26, 2009

Just a funny thing!

Okay so it is Sunday morning and we are just getting ready to go to church. Amazingly we are all ready early. The kids and Jason are in the family and I walked in and moved campbell's cereal and of course she replied "Mine" This is the conversation that followed......

Mom: Campbell is that your favorite word? Mine?

Campbell: Yes

Austin: My favorite word is, virgin

Jason and I share a wondering look!!!

Jason: Where did you hear that word?

Austin: Silent Night, You know right after round!!

So all is still well in his innocent mind!!!


shelly said...

i'm sure you can't wait to share that one with his future wife!

Aaron and Michelle said...

That is too funny! It is amazing what they will say. You know the crazy part is he probably hasn't heard that word for at least 3 months. They can remember EVERYTHING!!!! I will laugh at that one for a while! I hope you all are doing great. We miss you all too. To answer your question: I am a little nauseated, but hanging in there! I will be 11 weeks tomorrow. Craziness! We love you!

amy said...

HUH-stinkin-LARIOUS!!!!!!!! virgin... good one Austin! Hope that is still your favorite word til the day you get married! :0)

Allison Lewis said...

That is too funny for words!!