Tuesday, October 2, 2007

We love Grammy's!!

So thanks to my wonderful parents who offer to watch the kids on Monday nights so that we can go to care group! Austin loves Monday nights because that means a night full of playing with paw paw and going to the park and usually ending up with ice cream at one of his many favorite places!! This Monday I took the kids over to my moms in the afternoon and they took their naps. I was still there when Austin got up andI told him that mommy was going home and before I could get out the rest of the sentence, which was I will see you tomorrow, He looked at me very seriously and said "I'm not going with you!" To know ones doubt the kids had another wonderful Monday night at my parents. They went to play at the park and then to Ben and Jerrys for ice cream! What a life!!


Brenda Rae said...

It is hilarious on how much they look alike!!! I wish that my kids even slightly resembled each other or us!

Gram said...

Hey Julie, it's Becky, Amy Scoggins' mother. My goal as a grandmother is to be like my mother. None of her grandchildren ever wanted to go home. Instead of crying when we left them, they would all cry when we came to get them. When she died they all lovingly argued about which one was her favorite. The sweet thing was that each one was her favorite when they were with her.

amy said...

amen to my mama's comment! we LOVED our grandparent's house. even though we lived a couple of hours away, we went there often & loved every second of it!

mamahenn said...

There is no place like a grammy's!! And I am so thankful- It makes me happy knowing that I am getting a break when they go and that they are loving that time with my parents. Your parents are awsome and Todd and I even love grammy's house!!